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Last modified:

January 2025.

Curriculum Vitae

Zsuzsanna Szalayné Tahy
maiden name: Zsuzsanna Tahy


I was born in 1964 in Budapest (Hungary) as a daughter of Peter Tahy and Anna Jankovics. I got married in 1983. My husband, Sándor Szalay, graduated as teacher of mathematics, physics and computer technologies. We have three daughters; they were born in 1983, '87 and '90. I've four grandchildren, twins were born in 2011, the third was born in 2015 and the fourth one in 2017.



Information Science and Technology (Informatics) PhD

Doctoral Council of Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest


PhD School of Computer Science

Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Informatics


Pedagogical Specialist in ICT

Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Post Graduating Center


Microsoft Certificated Professional (Maintaining and Managing Windows Server 2003)



Expert of Education in Information and Computer Technologies.

Ministry of Education


Teacher of Computer Technologies.

Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Science


Teacher of Mathematics and Physics

Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Science



Faculty of Informatics, Department of Media and Educational Informatics

Eötvös Loránd University

Assistant professor


Békásmegyeri Veres Péter Gimnázium

Észak-Budapesti Tankerületi Központ

Secondary school teacher of IT and Digital culture. Part-time job.

2023-2024 guest teacher at Óbudai Gimnázium.


Budapest, XIV. Kerületi Szent István Gimnázium

Közép-Pesti Tankerületi Központ

Secondary school teacher of IT (and Math's, web administrator, form master and I gave support for student commune). Part-time job from 2018


Ady Endre Gimnázium

Budapest XIII.

1987-1994: Teaching Math's and Physics I was protector of children, later careers manager.

1994-2002: I taught topics of Information and Computer Technologies. I was the deputy manager of computer technology teachers. I was contact person between the school and Soros Foundation in the Jefferson Program. I was the supervisor of computers.


2024. Ministry of Interior: Knowledge of content regulators used in educational work PED/2006/2024. (10 hours)

2024. ASEF ClassNet School Collaboration: Learning about AI and Learning with AI: Virtual Capacity Building Stage - Self & Team Learning Phase (35 hours)

2023. Klebelsberg Központ (org: Aditus): Developing digital competencies in RRF-1.2.1 project (online) (30 hours)

2022. INFO ÉRA Alapítvány: Public education, IT methodology; (30 hours)

2019. HTTP Alapítvány: Database-development and Backend (25 hours)

2019. HTTP Alapítvány: (InfoTanár Mentor Program) Web technologies (25 hours)

2019 ELTE: Canvas course for beginner. (4 hours)

2018. ELMS Informatika Zrt: Using e-administration system (KRÉTA) for teacher AESZ: 27282-18/2016 (30 hours)

2015. Hilderstone College English Studies Centre: English Language and Professional Development Course for Teachers - Creative Teaching (Erasmus+) Europass Mobility number: HU/01/2015/00930/HU (50 óra)

2013-2017. ELTE Doctoral School of Informatics (PhD/DLA) T085094/FI80798 (196 credit/5880 hours)

2011. INFO ÉRA Alapítvány: Public education, IT methodology; OKM2/299/2007 (30 hours)

2011. MATEHETSZ-Géniusz: Project - theory and practice; (R523_015) PL-4023 (10 hours)

2011. MATEHETSZ-Géniusz: Talents in school (R547_042) PL-4274 (10 hours)

2010. MATEHETSZ-Géniusz: IT and talents; (R48_9) PL-4027 (10 hours)

2010. MATEHETSZ-Géniusz: IT and talents; (R58_2) PL-4263 (10 hours)

2010. MATEHETSZ-Géniusz: Talents and cooperation; (R40_12) PL-4032 (10 hours)

2009. INFO Éra Alapítvány: Public education, IT methodology; OKM2/299/2007 (30 hours)

2008. INFO Éra Alapítvány: Public education, IT methodology; OKM2/299/2007 (30 hours)

2008. Suliszerviz: Active boards in teaching (White-board) OKM-3/92/2008 (30 hours)

2007. NSZFI: Education of adults in EU, HEFOP 3.5.1 (16 hours)

2007. Winter: ISZE: Pilot program: Vista, Office 2007 in education

2007. ISZE: Teaching of teachers: How to use Internet OM 175/12/2005 (30 hours)

2006. Sulinova: School-net digital database; OM 274/48/2004 (50 hours)

2006. JOS: Teacher and system administrator training; OKM-2/5/2006 (30 hours)

2005. Trainer-C: Maintaining and Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment (2273) (50 hours)

2005. UNI.C: EPICT facilitator certification course (4 day 40 hours)

2004. Microsoft Partners in Learning (30 hours)

2004. Sulinova - PT-MIK: Professional qualification of graduation; OM 273/87/2004 (30 hours)

2004. Final exam's preparing (high school graduation) - Mastering the masters (60 hours)

2003-2011 Microsoft teacher's training.

2000. PT-MIK: Expert of accreditation (2 day 20 hours)

2000. ISZE: Multimedia and databases (30 hours)

2000. ISZE: Internet in the public education (30 hours)

1999. Microsoft Referencia Iskola: Visual Basic (24 hours)

1998. ISZE: Public education expert training (60 hours theory + 30 hours practice)

1997. Microsoft Referencia Iskola: Administer NT server and Internet services (36 hours)

1997. ISZE: Teacher tutors training (30 hours)

1996. IBM Magyarország Oktatás: Novell NetWare 3.0 supervisor (5 day 50 hours)

1996. IBM Magyarország Oktatás: OS/2 Warp and Internet (2 day 20 hours)

1996. IBM Magyarország Oktatás: MS Windows NT administrator (5 day 50 hours)

1996. IBM Magyarország Oktatás: Access 2.0 users (5 day 50 hours)

Research IDs

MTMT (Hungarian) ID: 10040422

ORCID: 0000-0003-3634-2937

Google Scholar ID: rpHcIgAAAAJ

ResearcherID: I-4325-2017

Scopus ID: 57191336944


2024: Szalayné Tahy Zsuzsanna: A Mesterséges Intelligencia Informatika Oktatásmószertani Aspektusai(Methodological Aspects of Artificial Intelligence in Teaching Informatics) in: XXXVII. DidMatTech 2024, Komarno

2022: Szalayné Tahy Zsuzsanna: Teaching Python Considered Harmful? - A strukturált programozás Python nyelven tanítása káros. in: INFODIDACT 2022, Webdidaktika, Zamárdi; ISBN: 978-615-80608-6-8 (LINK

2020: Szalayné Tahy Zsuzsanna: Informatika távoktatás - Két gimnáziumban, két rendszerben (IT Distant Learning - Two School, Two Environment) in: Inspiráció 27/2. p23-31. 2020, ISZE, Budapest; ISSN: 1217-0178 (LINK

2017: Szalayné Tahy Zsuzsanna - Czirkos Zoltán: Programozástanulás Mentorálása Haladási Naplóval in: INFODIDACT 2017, Webdidaktika, Zamárdi; ISBN: 978-615-80608-1-3 (LINK Mentoring the learn of programming with Progress Diary

2017: Zsuzsanna Szalayné Tahy - Czirkos Zoltán: The Two Worlds of Programming in: New methods and technologies in education and practice, XXXth DIDMATTECH, p: 59-67; Slovakia, Trnava EAN: 9788056800294 (LINK)

2017: Zsuzsanna Szalayné Tahy: Guess the Code of Conditional Summation in: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Applied Informatics, Hungary, Eger (LINK

2016: Szalayné Tahy Zsuzsanna - Czirkos Zoltán: A Lineáris Keresés Buktatói in: INFODIDACT 2016, Webdidaktika, Zamárdi (LINK Pitfalls of Linear Serach

2016: Zsuzsanna Szalayné Tahy - Zoltán Czirkos: "Why can't I learn programming?" The learning and teaching environment of programming in: LNCS 9973 (9th ISSEP) p199-204 (LINK

2016: Zsuzsanna Szalayné Tahy - Zoltán Czikos: Linear search – the breaks in teaching-learning practice, In: New methods and technologies in education and practice, DIDMATTECH, Hungary, Budapest (LINK

2016: Zsuzsanna Szalayné Tahy: How To Teach Programming Indirectly – Using Spreadsheet Application in: Acta Didactica Napocensia, Románia, Kolozsvár 9:(1) Pp. 15-22. (LINK

2015: Szalayné Tahy Zsuzsanna - Czirkos Zoltán: "ProgAlap" és ami mögötte van in: INFODIDACT 2015. Webdidaktika Alapítvány, 2015. (LINK What is under the roof of "ProgAlap".

2015: Szalayné Tahy Zsuzsanna - Czirkos Zoltán: Az informatika más… in: TSpring Wind 2015 III. kötet. Liceum Kiadó, Eger, 2015. (LINK Informatics is something different…

2011: Reményi Zoltán - Siegler Gábor - Szalayné Tahy Zsuzsanna (editor: Dr. Zsakó László): Informatika érettségire felkészítő feladatgyűjtemény. Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadót, Budapest, 2011. (Revised edition) ( Task collection for IT graduates

2010: Geometriai transzformációk; Copyright és szabadszoftver óravázlatok in: Körösné Dr. Mikis Márta (editor): IKT - MOZAIK Kézikönyv pedagógusoknak a számítógép tanórai alkalmazásához. Oktatáskutató és Fejlesztő Intézet, Budapest, 2010.

2007: Alkalmazói programok alkalmazásának módszerei. Thesis. ELTE PPK . (

2005: 20 óravázlat-ötlet matematika és fizikaórára in: Merényi-Szabó-Takács (edit): 101 ötlet Innovatív tanároknak. Jedlik Oktatási Stúdió, Budapest, 2005. (
Translated to English: 101 Ideas For Innovative Teachers. Jedlik Oktatási Stúdió, Budapest, 2006. (
Transleted to Slovak: 101 nápadov pre moderných učiteľov. P-Mat, 2007 (

2005: Jónás Katalin - Szalayné Tahy Zsuzsa: Szövegszerkesztés és táblázatkezelés pedagógusoknak. Informatika-Számítástechnika Tanárok Egyesülete, Budapest, 2005. ( Wordprocessing and Spreadsheets for Teachers

2004: Érettségiről tanároknak – 2005 – Informatika. Ministry of Education The New Graduation System 2005 for Teachers - Informatics

2004: Reményi Zoltán - Siegler Gábor - Szalayné Tahy Zsuzsanna (editor: Dr. Zsakó László): Érettségire felkészítő feladatgyűjtemény - Informatika. Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest, 2003. ( Task collection for IT graduates

2004: Pattantyús-Ábrahám Sándorné - Siegler Gábor - Szalayné Tahy Zsuzsanna (editor: Dr. Zsakó László): Informatika feladatgyűjtemény - Alapszint. Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest, 2003. ( IT Task Collection - Basic Level

2003:Tanmenet OECD adatlap - Gimnázium, 17 éves korosztály; Óravázlat 41--Óravázlat 48 in: Kárpáti Andrea (editor): Informatikai eszközök a matematika oktatásában. Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest, 2003. ( IT Tool in Maths Teaching

1998: Szalayné Tahy Zsuzsa: Feladatgyűjtemény táblázatkezeléshez. Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest, 1998. ( Spreadsheets Tasks

1995: Feladatgyűjtemény táblázatkezelés oktatásához. Thesis. ELTE TTK (LINK

1987: Indirekt bizonyítás a középiskola második osztályában. Thesis. ELTE TTK. (

Conferences (presentations, cooperation aggreements)

Websites of some annual conferences:

2024: ISSEP - 17th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives, Budapest
& Teacher Day for Hungarian Teachers of Informatics

2024: Fáy Fórum a mesterséges intelligenciáról. (Fáy Forum on Artifical Intelligence) Budapest, OTP Fáy-alapítvány (online)

2024: 17th ASEF Classroom Network #ASEFClassNet17 School Collaboration: Learning about AI and Learning with AI (Self Learning Phase and Team Learning Phase)

2023: 16th ASEF Classroom Network #ASEFClassNet16 School Collaboration: Leading Change: Digital Transformation of Education in the Era of AI (Self Learning Phase and online conference)

2022: INFODIDACT 2022 - Informatics teaching methodology conference, Zamárdi; Teaching Python Considered Harmful? - Teaching Python as language of structured programming is harmful presentation (

2022: ASEF ClassNet School Collaboration: Capacity Building on Education & SDG 4 (Holistic Learning Environments for Innovative Teaching and Learning)

2022: Oktató Robotok konferencia (Robots in Education conference), Budapest ÓE: Ki tanítsa a robotikát gimnáziumban? (Who Should Teach Roboics in Secondarí Schools?) presentation (LINK

2021: ASEF ClassNet School Collaboration: Capacity Building on Education & SDG 5 (Gender Equality)

2019: InfoÉra conferencee, Zamárdi: Learning programming with "specialties" presentation (LINK

2019: InfoÉra conference, Zamárdi: MI-Robot Teachers and Human IT Teachers resentation (LINK

2019: EPSZTI training for mathematics teachers, Budapest: Informatics in Mathematics presentation

2018: Info Éra conference, Zamárdi: Az informatika (programozás) oktatásának pedagógiai módszerei presentation (ITT

2018: Hungarian Science On Stage (Színpadon a tudomány) festival: Guess the Code! poster and presentation (LINK review in Inspiráció (LINK

2018: Informatika-robotika szakmai együttműködés az ÉGIG szervezésében: programszervezés és előadás (LINK)

2017: Info Éra conference, Zamárdi: A programozás tanulási-tanítási folyamata presentation (LINK
Programozástudás - hit vs valóság előadás (LINK

2017: INFODIDACT 2017 - informatikai szakmódszertani konferencia, Zamárdi; co-presenter Zoltán Czirkos; Programozásoktatás Mentorálása Haladási Naplóval presentation (

2017: ISSEP - 10th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution and Perspectives, Finnland, Helsinki (; Progress Log for Mentoring Programming Education poster (LINK

2017: XXXth DidMatTech 2017: New methods and technologies in education and practice, Slovakia, Trnava (; co-presenter: Dr. Zoltán Czirkos; (LINK)

2016: Info Éra conference, Zamárdi: co-presenter: Dr. Czirkos Zoltán; Igy írtok Ti.. Lineáris Keresést presentation (LINK

2016: INFODIDACT 2016 - informatikai szakmódszertani konferencia, Zamárdi; co-presenter Dr. Zoltán Czirkos; A Lineáris Keresés Buktatói presentation (LINK pptx és LINK pdf

2016: ISSEP - 9th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution and Perspectives, Germany, Münster (; "Why can't I learn programming?" The learning and teaching environment of programming presentation (LINK

2016: ISSEP - 9th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution and Perspectives, Germany, Münster (; Guess the Code; presentation (LINK

2016: XXIX. DidMatTech 2016: New methods and technologies in education and practice, Hungary, Budapest (; co-presenter: Dr. Zoltán Czirkos; Linear search – the breaks in teaching-learning practice presentation (LINK

2016: Információs Társadalom Parlamentje, Parlament; Informatikatanítás a gyakorlatban előadás (LINK, video)

2015: Info Éra conference: ASEF ClassNet presentation; Beágyazott programozás-oktatás – Szövegszerkesztés (Embeded teaching of programing – Word processing) presentation (

2015: ASEF ClassNet conference, Bulgaria, Sofia Storynet and Guess the Code projects (presentation)

2015: INFODIDACT 2015 - informatikai szakmódszertani konferencia, Zamárdi; co-presenter: Dr. Czirkos Zoltán; "ProgAlap" és ami mögötte van presentation ("IntroCS" and the background) (LINK

2015: ISSEP - 8th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution and Perspectives, Slovenia, Ljubljana ( Teaching Programming Indirectly with "Paint" poster (LINK

2015: 5th International Conference on Mathematics and Informatics, Romania, Tirgu Mures ( How to Teach Programming Indirectly – Using Spreadsheet Application presentation (LINK

2015: Spring Wind 2015 - DOSZ; co-author: Dr. Zoltán Czirkos; Az informatika más… (IT is different…) (LINK

2014: Szaktárnet - Számítógépes gondolkodás fejlesztése az informatika modern eszközeivel; Miért nem tudok teát főzni? - Algoritmusok, adatok - tea nélkül (LINK

2014: INFODIDACT 2014; informatikai szakmódszertani konferencia, Zamárdi; Beágyazott programozás-oktatás - Grafika (Embeded teaching of programing - Graphics) (LINK

2014: Info Éra conference: Beágyazott programozás-oktatás - Excel (Embeded teaching of programing - Excel) (

2013: INFODIDACT 2013; informatikai szakmódszertani konferencia, Zamárdi, Mi van, ha nem tudok teát főzni? (presentation: What if I can't make tea?) (

2013: ASEF ClassNet conference, Indonézia (Bali) Nusa Dua: Chain Stories 2013 (presentation)

2011: AEC-NET conference, Írország, Dundalk: Robot Societ; Chain Stories (presentation)

2011: INFO Savaria conference: C# módszertani tapasztalatok; Office 2010 tanári szemmel

2010: AEC-NET conference, India, Gurgaon (joining to projects).

2009: AEC-NET conference, Dánia, Sonderborg; Programming Club (presentation)

2008: AEC-NET conference, Malaysia, Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Rise of Peace (presentation)

2007: INFO Éra: Windows Vista Office2007 az informatika érettségin (presentation: Using Windows Vista & Office 2007 on Informatics Exams)

2006. MS TTK: Érettségi szekció - Problémamegoldási módszerek és azok értékelése (evaluation of problem solving)

2006. eTwinning workshop for teachers of Math's and Science Prague, Czech rep.

2006: IX. Országos Neumann Kongresszus (LINK) Az informatika átjárja az iskolát. (IT in school) (

2006. eTwinning conference and exhibition - Linz, Austria

2005: VII. Országos Közoktatási Szakértői Konferencia Az EPICT táblázatkezelés tananyagának beépítése a tanítási órába (presentation: Embed spreadsheets on lessons) (LINK

2005: MS TTK: Kétszintű érettségi 2005 - tapasztalatok, tanulságok (with Danitz Bélánél) (presentation: New Middle and High Level Exams

2004: INFO Éra conference: Gyakorlati vizsga és szervezésének kérdései mindkét szinten; Szóbeli vizsga és szervezésének kérdései mindkét szinten (presentation: Pracice and oral final exam) (with Reményi Zoltán)

2004: MS TTK: Kétszintű érettségi - a 2004-es próba érettségi tapasztalatai; Excel diagramok felhasználói szemmel (presentation)

2003. MS TTK: Oktatás szekció: Módszertani ajánlások (presentation)

2002 October: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Comittee of Pedagogy - Conference on Education
Szakmai ajánlás az informatikai kereszttantervi követelmények teljesítéséhez (presentation: ICT as cross curriculum)
Az információs és kommunikációs technológia szerepe a tanítási-tanulási folyamatban (presentation: Teaching-learning Contexts of ICT)

2001: INFO Éra conference: Animáció Excelben a matematika órán (presentation: Using Excel animation in Math's lesson)

2001. October: I. Országos Neveléstudományi Konferencia: Hallássérültek bevezetése az információ technológia világába (presentation: Teaching Hungarian deafs for use of ICT) (

2001 Summer: Technology and Deaf Education (NTID-RIT, Rochester NY, USA) LINK (with Kenneth Nash, Bíró Zsuzsa, Boldvai Ferenc, Horváth Zsuzsa): Project Access: Use of Computer Technology at Hungarian Schools for the Deaf (

2000: II. Országos Közoktatási Szakértői Konferencia, A számítógéppel segített tanulás (Computer-aided learning) (beszámoló az OECD kutatás kérdőívének tapasztalatairól) (LINK,

1999: INFO Éra conference: HTML készítés módszertana. (presentaion: Methodology of Web Design)

1997: INFO Éra conference: Függvényábrázolás táblázatkezelővel. (Function representation in spreadsheets)

1996: INFO Éra conference: Számítástechnika felhasználása óvodában (presentation: PC application in kindergarten)

1997: Internet Galaxis'97: Internet and HTML (open presentations for visitors)


2024 Autumn:Climate Change with AI, VPG 10th grade classes (Learning with AI, learning about AI)

2023 Summer: Programming Camp Close, Budapest (FOK-GYEM, LEGO, Microcontrollers)

2022 Summer: Programming Camp, Szeged (FOK-GYEM programing, C#, dinamic programing)

2021 Autumn: Geek<a/>Hertz Tech Fest, St. Mark's Sr. Sec. Public School, Meera Bagh, Delhi, India

2021 Summer: Programming Camp, Szeged (FOK-GYEM electronics, 2048, C++, C#, OOP)

2020 Summer: Programming Camp, Debrecen (Robots, drones, hangman, 7-segment counter)

2018: World Robot Olympiad 2018, Chiang Mai - Team SzIG@HUN participation (sponzored by: NI, Edutus, National Talents Program)

2018 February: First Lego League SemiFinal Łódž, - Team PlizHelp participation (sponzored by: NI, Gymnasium)

2017–2018: AESEF-ClassNET project: Let's Stroll the Street.

2017 Summer: Programming Camp, Szeged (Digital technic, Microcontrollers, Robot technics, C, C++, C#, OOP)

2015-2017: ASEF-ClassNet projects: StoryNet, GuessTheCode

2016-2017: Út a tudományhoz (Talent's Way to Science): AutonoMálna - Autonom Raspberry (sponsored by EMET)

2016-2017: Út a tudományhoz (Talent's Way to Science): SzIGnET - Network planning (sponsored by EMET)

2016-2018 : Junior-Ingenieur-Akademie student exchange + STEM: Inda Gymnasium Aachen - Szent István Gimnázium Budapest

2016 Summer: Programming Camp, Szeged (Digital technic, Microkontrollers, Robot technics, C, C++, C#, OOP)

2015: World Robot Olympiad 2015, Doha - Team smopu!M participation (sponzored by NI, IVSZ, Attraktív Kert, Neudoerfler, Tercio, DoWork)

2015: International Year of Light; Digital technic, Lego, Simulation (sponzored by MTA)

2015 Summer: Programming Camp, Szeged (Digital technic, Microcontrollers, Robot technics, C, C++)

2015: Talent Bridges Programme - Endless Possibilities III, CERN, Google. (sponzored by MATEHETSZ)

2015: Talent Bridges Programme - Talents Group; Programozás, Lego, WRO. (sponzored by MATEHETSZ)

2014–2015: Út a tudományhoz (Talent's Way to Science): System Modeling (EMET)

2014–2015: Út a tudományhoz (Talent's Way to Science): Innovative 10. (sponzored by EMET)

2014. Fall: Cultural Exchange; SM Sain Seri Puteri (Kuala Lumpur), published book: Ashace.

2014. Summer: Programming camp, Szeged (3D visualization, 2048, AI, MBED-LED-cube, train simulator, advanced algorithms)

2013–2014: AEC-NET project: StoryTrees;
Cultural Exchange: SMS Meera Bagh (India, Delhi) and SM Sains Seri Puteri - Seseri - (Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur)

2013. Summer: Programming camp, Eger (LINQ, Lambda, MBED, Multiuser, Thread, camera, cryptography-puzzle)

2012–2013: AEC-NET project: Chain Stories ’2013 (AEC Award Winning Project);
Cultural Exchange: Millennia Institute (Singapore)

2012–2013: Út a tudományhoz, Robot Cooker

2012 Summer: Programming camp, Szeged (Android, iMAC, Threads, Class, Object, MBED, LED-teetotum)

2011–2012: AEC-NET project: Chain Stories ’2012, Robot Society; Crossing the borders… feeling the others!! (Emotions)

2011–2012: Út a tudományhoz (Talent's Way to Science): Robots and AI

2011–2012: Út a tudományhoz (Talent's Way to Science): Talking iPhones

2011. Summer: Programming camp, Pécs (MBED, UML, Virtual ping-pong, Threads, Explorer)

2010–2011: AEC-NET project: Chain Stories 2010, 4R4us - Refuse-Reduce-Reuse-Recycle, Let's Celebrate

2010–2011: Út a tudományhoz (Talent's Way to Science): LEGO - WRO

2010–2011: Út a tudományhoz (Talent's Way to Science): Marsrover

2010. Summer: Programming camp, Pécs (digital technology, simulations, OOP, Bezier, Computer Graphics)

2009–2010: AEC-NET project: Programming Club, Chain Stories 2009, EnviromentalFriendly@VirtualHomestay, Filming Project: Water drops… Water colours…, Green School, International Treasure, PlaceWorth Visiting - Unforgettable Journey, Youth Environment in School Activities for Climate Change

2009–2010: Út a tudományhoz (Talent's Way to Science): Program Mobiles

2009–2010: Út a tudományhoz (Talent's Way to Science): LEGO - FLL

2009. Summer: Programming camp, Eger (City-game, BMP-transformation, banknote recognition, Logic, Encoding, FOK-GYEM)

2008–2009: AEC-NET project: Rise of Peace, Chain Stories, Local Traditions and Ceremonies - Weddings are Made in Heaven (AEC Award Winning Project), Renewable Energies, Young Scientists in the Cosmos, After School Activities

2008–2009: Út a tudományhoz (Talent's Way to Science): Lego robots

2008–2009: Út a tudományhoz (Talent's Way to Science): AI-s

2008. Summer: Programming camp, Vác (Games and graphics)

2007–2009: e-Twinning project: Pilot Project for Virtual Grand Prix Racing; Cars - Math's in Motion. (

2007–2008: Út a tudományhoz (Talent's Way to Science):, E-diary

2007–2008: Út a tudományhoz (Talent's Way to Science): SzIG Enterprise Team

2007–2008: ThinkQuest: PlantOxy (2008) TQ web:

2007–2008: E-Twinning project: Classmates form Abroad

2007. Summer: Programming camp, Szeged (Hanoi, Gauss-elimination, advanced algorithms, School-web)

2006–2007: AEC-NET project: Asia-Europe Money.

2006–2007: ThinkQuest (E-Twinning): Hyper (super) Mathematics TQ web:

2006–2007: E-Twinning: Math Competition - How to

2006–2007: Út a tudományhoz (Talent's Way to Science): Multiplatform services in my school

2005–2006: Út a tudományhoz (Talent's Way to Science): IT services

2004: Verseny'2004 (Microsoft and Sulinet), ICT on lessons - "sziginfo" and "szigma" teams

2003–2009: Headmaster of "c" IT class

2000: Verseny'2000 (Microsoft and Sulinet): Portal of my school

1999–2000: ThinkQuest: rADYoactivity

1998: Verseny'98 (Microsoft and Soros Foundation): Webpages

1997–2001: Headmaster of "d"

1997–1998: a Guards Rt. "Otthonlap" web design competition, Adywebteam (we won) (Archived link)

1995: Verseny'95 (Microsoft and Soros Foundation): Windows'95 and Office practice

Awards, certificates

(I've got awards for school collaboration, public education and talent development fields of applied informatics and programming)

2025. Jan: Recognition from the Ministry of the Interior for my student's success at CEOI

2024/25: KÖBÜKI talent management scholarship program

2024. Jun: Budapest Pedagogical Training Center (Bp POK): developing talented students

2021. Dec: Asia-Europe Foundation ASEF Classroom Net Certificate: School Collaboration on "Gender Equality & SDGs"

2016. May: 25. Youth Science and Innovation Competition Udvardi Péter scholarship

2015. October: Code Weeks - Most Active School

2015. (2013, 2012, 2011, 2009): I won the award of Pro Progressio Foundation (for education of science)

2014. (2013, 2009, 2007): Capital (regional) Applied IT Competition (award for mentor)

2013. March: Education Ministry: Student's mentor - International Olympiad in Informatics

2013. August: MATEHETSZ Bonis Bona - National Excellence, "Kiváló versenyfelkészítő" Award

2011. May: I got The Szent István Gimnázium Memorial Ring (for developing talented students)

2011. May: I won the award of Education Ministry (for developing talented students)

2010. May: Graphisoft Foundation: Graphisoft-Award

2004. May: John von Neumann Computer Society; Tarján Rezső Medal

2013. November: Asia-Europe Foundation ASEF Classroom Net Merit Award for Chain Stories 2013 project

2013. February: ISZE "Dusza Árpád Programming Team Competition: 5 Year - Best Teacher" plaque

2012. Microsoft, Modern School; a Microsoft Partners in Learning

2009. eTwinning; az eTwinning competition "Pilot project for virtual grand prix racing" project, 3.

2008. eTwinning; az eTwinning versenyen a "Hyper (super) Mathematics" project, 3.

2008. March: John von Neumann Computer Society; Nemes Tihamér IT competition

2002. December: Hungarian Academy of Science: Researcher and Teacher

2001. June: Ady Endre Gimnázium "Loyalty and Quality"

2001. May: Budapest XIII. Council "Teacher of the Year"

Member of…

2021–: W.I.N.G.S - Women's Interactive Network for Global Schools (Teachers online collaboration)

2015–: Consultant of IT subjects (SZT001507)

2012: Microsoft, Partners in Learning

2002– John von Neumann Computer Society, Department of Public Education

2000–2010 Közoktatási Szakértők Egyesülete (Association of Public Education's Professionals)

1998–2003 MTA Digitális Pedagógia Albizottság (Digital Educational SubcommHREFee of Hungarian Academy of Science)

1998– Teacher Postgraduate Team and The Textbook Developer Team of ISZE

1995– ISZE (Association of Information Technology and Computer Science Teachers)

Other Activities

2022–2025: Online remake of printed task collections: (
Informatika érettségire felkészítő feladatgyűjtemény
Informatika feladatgyűjtemény - Alapszint
Érettségire felkészítő feladatgyűjtemény - Informatika

2022–2023: Notes on the Programming Chapter of Digital Culture Textbooks (grade 11) in C++ and C# (

2020–2022: Notes on the Programming Chapter of Digital Culture Textbooks (grade 9-10) in C++ and C# (

2020–2022: Preparation of assignments for the secondary education of Digital Culture Online Task Collection (

2017–: Lecturer at ELTE IK Programming course

2016–2017: Demonstrator at BME Programming Basics I. lab

2015– Tutor at ELTE Basic Knowledge of Programming 1.

2015–2017: I teach in Veres Péter Gimnázium

2010–- Publication of solutions to programming exam tasks: Informatics and Digital culture

2010– Participating on LEGO robot programming competitions: FLL, WRO, Mobil Robot, Robot Sumo.

2008–2011: (and 1997-2004.) Prepare exercises for regional applied IT competitions

2008– ELTE Faculty of Informatics - participation in teacher training as instructor and examiner

2008–2016: Consultant at Mérei Ferenc Fővárosi Pedagógiai és Pályaválasztási Tanácsadó Intézet

2008.: I teach teachers: Windows Vista and Office 2007.

2007–2008: Testing and developing Calibrate and Lemill ICT projects

2006–2008: Assist for local student government

2005– 2006: I participated in adapting spreadsheets module of EPICT and I completed EPICT facilitator certification course. I facilitate some groups.

2003. Summer: I developed Math curriculum in Sulinet Digital Database

2002. Spring: I participate in developing of the cross curriculum of ICT and other facts.

2001–2007: I participate in developing of the new certification of ICT.

2000–2002: I'd a course named ICT in Teaching Mathematics on the ELTE.

2000–2001: I participated in an OECD research and assessment Using ICT in the School as mathematics teacher and research worker.

1999–2001: I am the technical coordinator of Project Access (Hungarian - American strategy to bring deaf and hard of hearing Hungarian students to help into the information age

1999–: I act as an expert on ministerial accreditation of postgraduate courses of teachers.

1998–2011: I participated making the topics of Basic Internet Course for Teachers and I was one of them who coached the teachers for teaching on this course.

1997–1998: I work in Regional Supervisor project of Soros Foundation, which helps new connecting schools in SULINET (Internet for schools) program to solve the beginner problems.

1994–1995: Soros Foundation: Computer Aided School for Open Society (Jefferson program)- participation and developing projects. "the start" for me.

1991–1994. I edited "MAFLAP", the Math's and Physics Newspaper for my students. I had to learn basics word processing on PC.


2022: Student rating (0--4): Avg: 3.26, Min: 2.71 (explains interestingly); Max: 3.81 (accuracy)

2021 January: Master Educator (renewed qualification)

2016 January: Master Educator (step forward in the new qualification system)

2015 January: "Pedagógus II" (step forward in the new qualification system)

2013: Student rating (0--4): Avg: 3.13, Min: 2.44 (organizing leisure activities); Max: 3.71 (knowledge of the subject)

Best students on the main competitions

(OKTV: National Secondary School Competition (Informatika I = Applied IT (Graphics, Office and Database), Informatika II. = Programming; Digital Culture: renamed Informatika)

2024: IAIO (1st International AI Olympiad, Saudi Arabia): Szilágyi Balázs (VPG11) silver medal, 15.; Ungár Vince (VPG10) bronze medal, 38. (mentors: ELTE IK & NJSZT TGSz).
IOAI (1st International Olympiad in AI, Bulgaria): Szilágyi Balázs VPG11 and Ungár Vince (VPG.10) in HUN1 team 2 siler medals and 3rd special award (mentors: ELTE IK & NJSZT TGSz) .
CEOI (Central-European Olympiad in Informatics): Szilágyi Balázs (VPG11) bronze medal (mentors: ELTE IK & NJSZT TGSz)
IOL (International Linguistics Olympiad): Holló Gergő (VPG10) participant in the Hungarian team.
OKTV Digital Culture I.: Nemcsics Benedek (VPG.12) 19.
OKTV Digital Culture II.: Nemcsics Benedek (VPG.12) 17.
Capital and Pest Region Schools Applied IT Competition: Ozsváth Botond (VPG.9) 2.; Holló Gergő (VPG10) 5. Nemes Tihamér Programming Competition: Szilágyi Balázs (VPG10) 4.


2023: OKTV Informatika I.: Török Zsombor (12) 3.
OKTV Informatika II.: Székely Milán (VPG12) 6.
Nemes Tihamér Applied IT Competition: Ozsváth Botond (VPG.7) 2.
Nemes Tihamér Programming Competition: Szilágyi Balázs (VPG.8) 8.
Grafical Programming Competition: Rotter Szabolcs (VPG.6) 2.

2022: OKTV Informatika I.: Mozsár Máté (12) 24; Török Zsombor (11) 27.
OKTV Informatika II.: Makrai-Kis Balázs (VPG12) 12.
Nemes Tihamér Applied IT Competition: Ozsváth Botond (VPG7) 6.
Nemes Tihamér Programming Competition: Szilágyi Balázs (VPG8) 2; Nemcsics Benedek (VPG10) 26.
Graphics (LOGO) Programming Competition: Timáry-Szalay Ábel (VPG6) 14.

2021: OKTV Informatika I.: Mozsár Máté (11) 30. hely.
Nemes Tihamér Programming Competition: Szarkovicz Dániel (VPG12) 5.
Nemes Tihamér Programming Competition: Szilágyi Balázs (VPG7) 16.
(Informatics Graduation on advanced level Makrai-Kis Balázs (11) 100%.)

2020: OKTV Informatika I.: Adorján Viktória (12) 3. hely
Nemes Tihamér Programming Competition: Lezsák Domonkos (VPG12) 14.
Nemes Tihamér Programming Competition: Makrai-Kis Balázs (VPG10) 8.
Nemes Tihamér Programming Competition: Szilágyi Balázs (VPG6) 8.

2019: OKTV Informatika I.: Adorján Viktória (11) 6. hely.
Nemes Tihamér Programming Competition: Lezsák Domonkos (VPG11) 1.

2018: OKTV Informatika I.: Sillye Martin (12) 3, Börcsök Barnabás (VPG12) 13.
Nemes Tihamér Programming Competition: Lezsák Domonkos (VPG10) 14.
Nemes Tihamér Applied IT Competition: Lezsák Domonkos (VPG10) 23.
WRO 2018 Thailand: SzIG@HUN team (Mozsár M. (8), Sőre-Vértessy Zs. (7), Vajó P. (8)) Open Junior category 6.
WRO-Hungary: SzIG@HUN team (Mozsár, Sőre-Vértessy, Vajó)Open Junior category 1, (Open all 2,) qualification to Olympiad;
FLL Semi Final Łódž: PlizHelp team final 12, teamwork 3.
FLL Budapest regional: PlizHelp team (Barna, Molnár, Szittya, Szittya, Treszler) 3, teamwork 1, robot design 2, Robomba special award.
FLL Aachen regional: KoczkAschock 2, teamwork 3;

2017: OKTV Informatika I.: Szkupien Péter (12) 7, Bodnár Anna (12) 8, Sillye Martin (11) 12.
OKTV Informatika II.: Bodnár Anna (12) 31.
Capital (regional) Applied IT Competition: II. Kállai István Kristóf (12) 1.
F.Á.I.A.V. (primery school applied IT):: Varga Lili Anna 8) 3.
FLL Team AacHun: Aachen Regional 2, teamwork 1, Semi Final 8, KoczkÁschock Aachen Regional robot design 2, SzIG@Hun teamwork 2, research and robot game 3.

2016: European Union Contest for Young Scientists 2016, Brussels: Udvardi Péter (12) special award.
OKTV Informatika I.: Dobos-Kovács Mihály (12) 1, Szkupien Péter (11) 11, Bodnár Anna (11) 25.
OKTV Informatika II.: Dobos-Kovács Mihály (12) 5, Bodnár Anna (11) 11.
Nemes Tihamér Applied IT Competition: Sillye Martin Zoltán (10) 4.
Dusza Árpád Mobil and Webprogramming Contest: Adorján D. - Czuri D. -Orbán B. 2.
25. Youth Science and Innovation Competition: Udvardi Péter (12) 1st award.
Capital (regional) Applied IT Competition: I.: Sillye Martin Zoltán (10) 1.
Capital (regional) Applied IT Competition: II.: Dobos-Kovács Mihály (12) 1.
F.I.A.T. (primery school applied IT): Varga Lili Anna (7) 3.
FLL Budapest region: SzIG& (Szalai G. (10), Tallósi M. (10), Balázs M. (9), Boros P. (9), Molnár B. (7), Szarka B.(7)) 6.

2015: OKTV Informatika I.: Dobos-Kovács Mihály (11) 5.
OKTV Informatika II.: Susits Mátyás (12) 15, Szakács Béla Benedek (12) 24, Dobos-Kovács Mihály (11) 30.
Nemes Tihamér Applied IT Competition: Szkupien Péter (10) 5, Bodnár Anna (10) 6.
Nemes Tihamér Programming Competition: Bodnár Anna (10) 5.
Dusza Árpád Programming Team Competition: 2.
Capital (regional) Applied IT Competition: I.: Szkupien Péter (10) 1, Sillye Martin Zoltán (9) 2.
Capital (regional) Applied IT Competition II.: Zajka Zita (12) 4, Borbás Bence (12) 5, Mész Boglárka (11) 7.
WRO-Hungary: smopu!M (Czurkó D. (10), K.Szabó A. (11), Udvardi P. (11)) 1. and qualification to Olympiad Doha.

2014: OKTV Informatika I.: Szücs Cintia Lia 11, Borbás Bence 15.
OKTV Informatika II.: Kemenes Balázs 8, Kovács Benjamin 12, Susits Mátyás 20.
Nemes Tihamér Applied IT Competition: Dobos-Kovács Mihály 1, Bodnár Anna 4, Szkupien Péter 8.
Nemes Tihamér Programming Competition: Dobos-Kovács Mihály 5.
Dusza Árpád Programming Team Competition 2.
Capital (regional) Applied IT Competition II.: Szücs Cintia Lia 1, Borbás Bence 5.
F.I.A.T. (primery school applied IT): Tallósi Máté finalist.
WRO-Hungary: smopu!M (K.Szabó A. (10), Czurkó D. (9), Mersics K. (9)) 3.

2013: OKTV Informatika I.: Tran Than Long 10, Szűcs Cintia Lia 15, Nagy Ádám 16, Szabó Dániel 29.
OKTV Informatika II.: Szarka Gábor 14, Kovács Benjamin 17, Tóth Gábor Csaba 32.
Nemes Tihamér Applied IT Competition: Borbás Bence 7, Dobos-Kovács Mihály 14, Zajka Zita 34.
Nemes Tihamér Programming Competition: Susits Mátyás 22.
Nemes Tihamér Programming Competition: Bodnár Anna 5.
Dusza Árpád Programming Team Competition: 1, 2, 4.
Capital (regional) Informatics Applied IT Competition: 1, 2, 4.
F.I.A.T. (primery school applied IT): Bodnár Anna 2.
FLL Budapest region: Szig@Hun team (Árkos G. (10), Susits M.(10), Szakács B. B. (10), K.Szabó A. (9), Szekeres Cs. (8), Czurkó D. (8)) "Most stamina" and 5.

2012: International Olympiad in Informatics: Marussy Kristóf team member.
OKTV Informatika I.: Kővágó Zoltán 1.
OKTV Informatika II.: Marussy Kristóf 2, Kővágó Zoltán 15, Szarka Gábor 36.
Nemes Tihamér Applied IT Competition: Borbás Bence 6, Szűcs Cintia Lia 13.
Nemes Tihamér Programming Competition: Dobos-Kovács Mihály 16, Susits Mátyás 24.
Dusza Árpád Programming Team Competition: 1, 2.
21. Youth Science and Innovation Competition: Hollós Ádám 1. prize
Izsák Imre Gyula Complex Science Competition: Tóth Gábor Csaba 1, Szarka Gábor 2.
Neumann János International Software Product Competition: NYEH (Kővágó, Marussy, Szarka) 1.

2011: OKTV Informatika I.: Marussy Kristóf 1, Kővágó Zoltán 4, Stein Dániel 5, Danyádi Bence 8.
OKTV Informatika II.: Marussy Kristóf 3, Kővágó Zoltán 21, Szarka Gábor 31.
Capital (regional) Informatics Applied IT Competition: 2–6.
Dusza Árpád Programming Team Competition 1, 3.
Mobil Robot Programming Competition: Kővágó, Szabó, Stein) 5.
World Robot Olympiad (Leipzig): NeoFoobar (Kővágó, Oravecz, Szabó) 6. hely.
FLL Budapesti region. SzIG@Hun team (Hollós Á. (9), Árkos G. (8), Susits M. (8), Szakács B. B. (8), Pércsi B. (8), K.Szabó A. (7)): Legösszetartóbb csapat.

2010: OKTV Informatika I.: Farkas Péter 4, Berezvai Szabolcs 11, Tóth Tibor 14, Danyádi Bence 21.
OKTV Informatika II.: Papp Pál András 2, Rutai Richárd 8, Kővágó Zoltán 19,, Gulyás Milán 20, Marussy Kristóf 37.
Nemes Tihamér Programming Competition: Szarka Gábor 9.
Nemes Tihamér Programming Competition: Szabó Attila 14, Kovács Benjamin 20.
Dusza Árpád Programming Team Competition: 1.
Capital (regional) Informatics Applied IT Competition: 1, 3, 4, 9, 11, 13.
Izsák Imre Gyula Complex Science Competition: Marussy Kristóf 2.
Junior Internet Hungary: Stein Dániel JuniorDesign 2, JuniorWeb 1, JuniorErb 3.

2009: OKTV Informatika I.: Géhberger Dániel 7.hely; Stein Dániel 8, Berezvai Szabolcs 19, Molnár Gábor 23,
OKTV Informatika II.: Papp Pál András 31.hely; Farkas Péter 33, Bohner Gergő 35,
Nemes Tihamér Applied IT Competition: Nagy Dániel 11, Osztrovszky Zsolt 13, Danyádi Bence 19.
Nemes Tihamér Programming Competition: Nagy Dániel 5, Kővágó Zoltán 25, Marussy Kristóf.
Nemes Tihamér Programming Competition: Szarka Gábor 4, Szabó Attila 28, Kovács Benjamin 35.
Dusza Árpád Programming Team Competition: 3.
Capital (regional) Applied IT Competition finals 13 students: 1 , 3, 4, 5, 6, 11.
Junior Internet Hungary: Papp Krisztián JuniorDesign 1.

2008: OKTV Informatika I.: Darvas Dániel 1.
Nemes Tihamér Programming Competition: Rutai Richárd 5, Papp Pál András 8, Farkas Péter 17, Nagy Dániel 20, Szabó Máté 47.
Nemes Tihamér Programming Competition: Kővágó Zoltán 1, Marussy Kristóf 6, Oravecz Márton 17.
Capital (regional) Applied IT Competition my students 1 , 2, 4, 10, 11.
Junior Internet Hungary: Géhberger Dániel JuniorWeb 1.

2007: OKTV Informatika I.: Darvas Dániel 1, Géhberger Dániel 4,
Nemes Tihamér Programming Competition: Papp Pál András 13, Rutai Richárd 13, Bohner Gergő 29.
Capital (regional) Applied IT Competition: Darvas Dániel 1, Géhberger Dániel 5, Szabó Ádám 14.
Izsák Imre Gyula Complex Science Competition: Darvas Dániel Informatics Special Award

2006: OKTV Informatika I.: Darvas Dániel 1,
Nemes Tihamér Programming Competition: Rutai Richárd 7, Papp Pál András 11, Farkas Péter 16. .
Nemes Tihamér Applied IT Competition: Géhberger Dániel 11.

2005: Nemes Tihamér Programming Competition: Darvas Dániel 31.


English: I've an "intermediate C" state certification in English (2001) it is equal to "Complex B2" at CEFR

German: Euroexam Complex B1

Russian: Learned 8 years, forgetful